ContainerDays Hamburg Recap: 3 Days Full of Container Craziness

Now in its third year and moved to the historic Hamburg Harbor Museum, ContainerDays 2018 was the perfect setting to discuss containers, microservices, Kubernetes, and cloud native tooling. Over 800 attendees came from around the world to hear talks from leading minds in the cloud native ecosystem including Craig McLuckie, co-founder of Kubernetes, Ihor Dvoretskyi from the CNCF, and Sandeep Dinesh, a developer advocate at Google. With one day of workshops and two days of sessions, many bottles of Club Mate and Fritz Cola were consumed by our team to keep everyone going strong.

Day One workshops covered a range of topics from Basic Istio Playgrounds to Advanced Kubernetes Security. We were happy to run the Kubermatic classic, Kubernetes for Developers, hosted by our ever affable trainer Guus. Sessions kicked off on Day Two with a talk from Ursula Richenberger, of the German Port Museum Project, explaining how shipping containers transformed the transportation and logistics industry just as containers and Kubernetes are currently changing IT development and operations. Between attending talks and staffing the Kubermatic booth, the rest of the conference seemed to fly by. Outside the talks, both the free harbor boat tour and food trucks (no soggy sandwiches here) were real highlights that set ContainerDays apart from your average conference center conference.

Where to learn more

The NewStack Summary Blog post by Alexander Trost

Kubermatic Talks

Cloud Native Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes

Seeking a better cloud native CI/CD experience? Check out Matthias’ talk below.

What you’ll learn:

  • How Drone defines continuous delivery pipelines
  • How KubeCI creates a Kubernetes runtime of Drone
  • KubeCI roadmap for improvements

Where to learn more

Drone KubeCI - Cloud Native Continuous Delivery

Managing und Running Multiple Kubernetes Clusters

Seeking a better Kubernetes experience? Check out Simon and Henrik’s talk.

What you’ll learn:

  • Common challenges running multiple Kubernetes clusters
  • Key features for a container engine
  • Lessons learned from running multiple Kubernetes clusters

Where to learn more

SysEleven MetaKube Managed Kubernetes Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform Container Engine Documentation

Machine API: An easier way to manage nodes in Kubernetes

Seeking a better node scaling experience? Check out Sebastian’s talk.

What you’ll learn

  • Problems with scaling nodes manually or with CI/CD tools
  • How MachineController can automatically provision new nodes
  • How Machine classes, sets, and deployments ease Ops burden

Where to learn more

Cluster API

Bill Mulligan

Bill Mulligan

Business Developer