Kubermatic branding element

With the release of Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.14 we also open sourced it under Apache 2.0 licence. It was the right step at the right time and we hope to give something back to the community with this move.

Other Highlights This Month:

  • Learn how to get rid of your Kube Chaos with Kubernetes multi-cluster management
  • Kubermatic @KubeCon Europe Virtual 2020
  • Learn how to use open source Kubermatic KubeOne to deploy a 5G Core Poc
  • Listen to the Kubernetes Podcast ‘Talking Kubermatic with Sebastian Scheele’ from Google
  • Find the right Kubermatic Webinar for you – either live or recorded

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Introducing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.14

Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.14 is the first open source release of our core cloud native platform. Significant work went into making Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform available as a community project under the Apache 2.0 Licence. This step empowers IT teams everywhere to automate the management of hundreds or thousands of Kubernetes clusters regardless of the underlying infrastructure.

Noteworthy Highlights:

  • Run containers and VMs side by side with Kubermatic Virtualization
  • Extend policies with open policy agent (preview)
  • Extended OS support with flatcar
  • More freedom of choice with native support of Alibaba Cloud

Check out all details of the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.14 release in our Changelog.

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 KuberCon Virtual log

Find Us At KubeCon Europe Virtual 2020

KubeCon Europe 2020, as a completely virtual event, will be different. Nevertheless the focus on Kubernetes and Cloud Native technologies will remain the same. We are excited to be part of this new experience and looking forward to getting into an exchange with you online. Visit us at our online booth in the virtual Startup hall to talk about Kubernetes, Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, KubeOne or just to chat.

If you want to make sure that we’ve got time for a chat or show you a demo, schedule a meeting with us now.

Schedule 1:1

pile of blue lego bricks

Combating Kube Chaos Without Losing Your Sanity

Anyone running an IT system for any amount of time can tell a story about a forgotten machine or three running somewhere that no one even knows about. From the server in the backroom that still runs Fortran to that EC2 instance from 2012 still on your monthly bill, the sprawl of IT systems is always increasing. It can quickly become an unmanageable mess full of snowflake servers – both physical and virtual. While many companies have processes around managing their physical and virtual environments, they face the same set of problems again when they add Kubernetes to their tech stack.

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white poles facing downword

5G Core Deployment Using Kubermatic KubeOne

How can the KubeOne project be used to deploy a 5G core PoC? This blog post explores that question in depth. 5G is the next iteration of mobile technology with an emphasis on using Cloud Native technologies of which Kubernetes is meant to play an important role. KubeOne is a production grade open source Kubernetes cluster life cycle management tool.

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Kubernetes Podcast: Talking Kubermatic with Sebastian

We open sourced Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform in June and rebranded the company to match. In the Google Kubernetes Podcast, Kubermatic co-founder and CEO Sebastian talks to Craig and Adam about the platform, how the company came about and why it was named Loodse in the first place.


Kubermatic Webinars

Get in depth knowledge of Kubernetes and always stay up to date with our Kubermatic Webinars. You can either take part in the live webinar or visit our resource library. We are always expanding our library with the aim of covering the most relevant topics out there.

Check Out Our Resource Library

Kristin Wittig

Kristin Wittig

Marketing & Communications