Cloud Native Best Practices #3: Open Source
To quote Michael Dell, “the cloud isn’t a place, it’s a way of doing IT.” As IT becomes more and more central to what every company does, understanding cloud native best practices is key not only for developers – but for every part of a business.
This blog is the third of a seven-part …

ContainerDays 2019: 3 Years of Continued Container Craziness
In 2016, when we first launched ContainerDays, Docker was THE hot technology and Kubernetes had barely reached release 1.3. We felt that something special was shaping up in the cloud native ecosystem, but it was still very much unclear who the winner would be. Docker Swarm vs. Mesos vs. Kubernetes …

Cloud Native Best Practices #2: Why Cattle, not Pets
To quote Michael Dell, “the cloud isn’t a place, it’s a way of doing IT.” As IT becomes more and more central to what every company does, understanding cloud native best practices is key not only for developers but for every part of a business.
This post is the second of a seven-part series …

KubeCon Barcelona Recap
Barcelona – sunshine, tapas, beaches, sangria, and 8,000 of your closest Kubernetes friends. Since KubeCon Seattle in December, the explosive growth of the cloud native community has only continued with KubeCon Barcelona becoming one of the largest open source conferences ever hosted in Europe. With …

We Are Excited to Be in the Consortium Kicking Off MELLODDY
The new research consortium seeks to accelerate drug discovery using machine learning to unlock maximum potential of pharma industry data. The project aims to leverage the world’s largest collection of small molecules with known biochemical or cellular activity to enable more accurate predictive …

KubeOne: Simplified Lifecycle Management for HA Kubernetes Clusters
Today, we are excited to announce a new open source Kubernetes cluster lifecycle management tool: KubeOne! KubeOne takes care of installing, configuring, upgrading and maintaining Highly-Available (HA) Kubernetes clusters. It works out-of-the-box on any cloud provider, as well as in on-prem and …

Working With My Colleagues Miles Away
Companies today are still sceptical about working as a distributed company. Individual days in home office may be okay, but having almost all colleagues sitting in their homes or coworking spaces across the world seems to be dubious. How will it influence the productivity of my team? Or what do I …

We Are Happy to Support LF Networking
The Open Networking Summit seems like the right occasion to announce that Kubermatic is becoming a Silver Member of LF Networking. We strongly support its mission to harmonize open source networking across platforms, networks, and communities.
As an early member of the Cloud Native Computing …

Running Kubernetes In The CI Pipeline For Integration & E2E Tests
Ensuring your Kubernetes component, such as a controller or an operator, works correctly is an important step before merging a pull request or deploying it to the production. You want to be sure that incoming changes will not introduce any regression or negatively effect any part of the system. This …

Cloud Native Best Practices #1: Containerization Cuts Costs
To quote Michael Dell, “the cloud isn’t a place, it’s a way of doing IT.” According to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), in the past 9 months, production cloud native deployments - across public clouds and private data centers - have increased by over 200%. Cloud native provides numerous …

GoDays Berlin Recap
Go is quickly becoming one of the most popular programming languages. In addition, many of the fastest growing open source projects, like Kubernetes and Prometheus, are also written in Go. At Kubermatic, the core of our product Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform is written in Go and it is the fan …

KubeCon Seattle Recap
Since we were last in Seattle for KubeCon two years ago, the rainy weather hasn’t changed, but the Kubernetes community has undergone a drastic change. With 8,500 conference attendees and a waiting list of over 1,400 people, the tidal wave of Kubernetes has truly hit the shore of enterprise IT. To …