

KubeLB Unveiled: New Multi-Tenant Load Balancer

We’re thrilled to introduce KubeLB, the latest open-source project from Kubermatic. KubeLB is tailored for multi-tenant applications, operates seamlessly as a service, allowing multiple customers to leverage the same software with ease.


Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.19 Is GA!

It is with great excitement that we announce the latest release of Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP). The 2.19 release focuses on enhancing KKP’s edge and hybrid cloud capabilities and networking performance, enabling you to harness the power of Kubernetes with even greater ease and comfort.


Kubermatic Raises Additional $2.3M Seed Funding

Today, we are excited to announce that btov Partners has joined and expanded our Seed Series by $2.3M for a total of $8.3M. The additional funding continues our accelerated business momentum by helping us broaden our international customer base and speed up our product innovation.


Scaling ML With Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform

As enterprises mature in their appreciation and use of AI, machine learning, and deep learning, a critical question arises: How can they scale and industrialize ML development? Many conversations around machine learning focus on the actual model, however, this is only one step along the way to a …


Multi-cloud: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

“The days of single cloud deployments are gone”, according to David Linthicum, Chief Cloud Strategy Officer at Deloitte and I couldn’t agree more: Flexera’s 2021 State of the Cloud Report states that 93% of businesses are already moving to a multi-cloud architecture.


Kubermatic News in December 2021

There is no doubt – the cloud has revolutionized the way businesses operate. With increased scalability, faster deployment times, and improved IT operational efficiency, migrating to the cloud will give your organization the cutting edge it needs to stay competitive. But the real game changer is its …


Kubernetes Namespaces

Various Kubernetes objects like Pods, Deployments, Services etc. were created on a Cluster without structuring in previous parts of this series. If you continue this process, these objects will grow exponentially and become challenging to maintain at some point.


OpenStack vs Azure Stack: 5 Key Differences

If you are seeking to adopt a hybrid-cloud strategy, you might want to evaluate alternatives to OpenStack. Azure Stack is a commercial solution you can use to extend the Azure public cloud to the local data center. It is a common alternative to OpenStack when deploying hybrid clouds.


Annotating Machine Deployment for Autoscaling

In the last post, we discussed Kubernetes Autoscaler in KKP as well as its usage. We also showed you how to install Kubernetes Autoscaler on a KKP Cluster. Now let’s take it a step further and show you how to annotate the MachineDeployments which you want the Autoscaler to recognize.


KKP Cluster Autoscaler

In a nutshell, it’s a component that automatically adjusts the size of a Kubernetes Cluster so that all pods have a place to run and there are no unneeded nodes.