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To kick off the decade, we make a prediction of where cloud native adoption will be by January 2023. We will also define where cloud native is currently on the adoption curve within large enterprises across all industries. We consider cloud native adoption to mean an enterprise running multiple clusters and where the majority of their enterprise applications are running as cloud native applications.

WE ARE HERE and We will BE THERE BY 2023

Enterprise cloud native adoption 2023 prediction

How do we make this prediction?

In the Enterprise Cloud Native Summit, an exclusive gathering of European business and technology leaders driving digital transformation within their organizations, we asked attendees to rate their implementation of cloud native and Kubernetes on a scale from 0% (not yet started) to 100% (full implementation of Kubernetes clusters and cloud native applications) and mapped the results to the Diffusion of innovations theory from Everett Rogers.

This data set also is consistent with what we are hearing from the hundreds of discussions and consultations we have with enterprises.

Why companies are going cloud native

In working with the most successful enterprises in the world, they tell us the four main challenges they face are:

  • Poor developer efficiency
  • Slow release cycles
  • Unstable products
  • Retaining and recruiting talent to build cloud native applications

These IT leaders know that faster release cycles and automation in the deployment and management of applications greatly improves stability, innovation rate, and costs. They wisely recognize that going cloud native is the path to achieving their digital transformation goals.

Implementing cloud native practices allows them to gain organization capacity to quickly innovate, use A-B feature testing, and reverting with ease as needed.

One consistent theme is that they all have ambitious cloud native goals but most are stuck in the proof of concept stage or have only implemented a handful of applications.

Ambitious goals, but enterprises often stuck in POC or struggling to manage multiple clusters

When stuck, these enterprises have not yet crossed the chasm of cloud native adoption.

Companies get stuck at the chasm for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Underestimating the complexity of cloud native technology
  2. Not adopting the new business processes required of a cloud native IT organization
  3. Failing to invest in winning the hearts and minds of the existing team to retool their skill set around cloud native

We help companies cross this chasm, with Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, our enterprise Kubernetes management platform and with customer consulting and training packages to accelerate companies on their cloud native journey. With our effort and that of our partners in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation ecosystem, we predict that the chasm will be crossed and that in the next three years, enterprises across every major vertical industry will cross into early majority. By January 2023, cloud native adoption will be at the peak of the diffusion curve, right in the middle of the graph.

Crossing the chasm in your organization

Kubermatic is known for Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform. By demand from our enterprise clients, we also created training and consulting to support enterprises’ cloud native journey. We help companies cross the chasm of cloud native adoption in the three critical areas of:

  • Designing a cloud native strategy and architecture
  • Mastering cloud native tooling, including Kubernetes and other tools
  • Upleveling the team cultures to thinking and operating cloud native

To accelerate the cloud native journey, we offer consulting accelerator and training accelerator packages. These engagements last from 2 to 11.5 days and our enterprise customers have shared it has shaved off on average 4-6 months of the learning curve.

An example of Kubermatic’s accelerator packages are:

When tapping Kubermatic in their cloud native journey, enterprises are working with one of the top Kubernetes employers in Europe and the lead contributor to the Kubernetes Dashboard project in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Moreover, we were recently highlighted for Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform’s role in delivering multi-cloud capability in the KubeCon North America Keynote on End-to-End 5G Cloud Native Network.

At the start of this new decade, now is the time to reflect on your digital transformation goals and where your IT organization is on the cloud native journey. Here are a few questions to help you:

  • Do you have a cloud native strategy, road map and architecture in place?
  • Have you won the hearts and minds of your IT organization to transform their skills, mindsets, and processes?
  • Does your team have the technical skills for Kubernetes and other cloud native tools?

If you surface any challenges in your plans contact us and we will help you resolve these challenges and greatly accelerate your journey to cloud native.

Learn more about our Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform Enterprise Software Solution, and request a Demo to learn more

Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform is an enterprise software platform company that enables enterprises and service providers to deliver automated multi-cloud operations. Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform automates thousands of Kubernetes clusters across any infrastructure on multi-cloud, on-prem and edge with unparalleled density and resilience. With Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, developers work with the cloud native stack they prefer and have freedom of choice and a consistent experience across all environments. By automating operations, teams focus on writing the next generation of ground-breaking applications, not operations.

Sebastian Scheele

Sebastian Scheele

Co-founder and CEO