Kubernetes Security Best Practices
With recent platforms like Kubernetes and containers, CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) can be found frequently, even in the most common utilities. They can pose a range of challenges for those in charge of security.
There have been cases in the past where a critical issue let an attacker …

Using Open Policy Agent With Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform
This article shows you how to use Open Policy Agent for policy making on a Kubernetes cluster managed by Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP).
To use Open Policy Agent with Kubernetes, you have two options.
You can use it as an admission controller with kube-mgmt: visit this extensive tutorial to …

Why the Pandemic Is a Forcing Function for Cloud Native
It’s been breaking news over the past few weeks: For the second quarter of 2020, Zoom reported an incredible 355% revenue growth compared to the previous year.
If there was any more proof needed that the pandemic has been fueling digital transformation faster than ever, this it checked off.
I …

Introduction to Open Policy Agent
What Is Open Policy Agent? Open Policy Agent is a project which allows you to implement fine-grained access control. It is written in Go and is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as an incubating project. Its source code is available publicly under the Apache License 2.0.
Why Use OPA? …

Introduction to Pods
What is a Pod?
A pod is the smallest object that can be created in Kubernetes. It consists of one or more containers that are tightly coupled and is the central object type on top of which others build their functionalities. Containers in a pod are created, managed, and destroyed together. …

Rancher And SUSE - A True Open Source Solution?
The cloud native acquisition and consolidation continues. EQT owned SUSE just acquired Rancher Labs for $600M, and although Rancher revenue was not publicly disclosed, this appears to be a purchase at ~30x multiple on revenue.
While EQT and SUSE celebrate the $600 million purchase as the first …

Running Containers and Virtual Machines Side by Side
Cloud native and Kubernetes are two of the hottest buzz words in the IT industry today. However, the sparkle of these terms cannot cover the legacy tangle of tech hiding at the back of every enterprise datacenter or even cloud infrastructures. Greenfield deployments of containers can easily take …

Kubernetes as a Container Orchestration Tool
Kubernetes as a Container Orchestration Tool
In our last post Getting Started With Containers, we discussed the basic terms, concepts and tools that are associated with containers. It is time to take a step further by diving into Kubernetes as a container orchestration tool. I will explain step by …

Getting Started With Containers
To know the nitty-gritty of Kubernetes, what it can do, and how it will get it done, it is imperative to understand some basic terms that are associated with containers and Kubernetes. In this blog post, I will start with the very basics and cover the difference between containers and VMs, the main …

Migrating away from NetApp Kubernetes Service
NetApp recently shared that they will discontinue their NetApp Kubernetes Service (NKS) on the 19th of March. As an NKS customer, you now have the challenge to migrate your Kubernetes clusters and workloads to a new solution.
NKS will cease operations on April 30, 2020 giving customers and end users …

Why You Should Go Cloud Native in 2020
To kick off the decade, we make a prediction of where cloud native adoption will be by January 2023. We will also define where cloud native is currently on the adoption curve within large enterprises across all industries. We consider cloud native adoption to mean an enterprise running multiple …

Death by a Thousand Scripts
In my last five years of exposure to OpenSource Software, starting with OpenStack, I have noticed an increasing trend of relying on scripts to fill the gaps left by the software system. The gaps can be varied in their scope and size, such as
Installation LifeCycle Management - Upgrades, Downgrades …