Deploy and Manage Your Cluster Everywhere With KubeOne


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Deploy and Manage Your Cluster Everywhere With KubeOne

  • KubeOne is an open source cluster lifecycle management tool for single Kubernetes clusters

  • It automates the deployment and Day 2 operations of Highly Available clusters to make your life easier everywhere: KubeOne works in the cloud, the datacenter, as well as in edge and IoT environments.

  • Features:

    1. Complete Cluster Reconciliation Using a Single Command
    2. KubeOneCluster API Promoted to Beta
    3. Static Worker Nodes Support for Bare-metal, IoT, and Edge Environments
    4. Deploy the CNI Plugin of Your Choice
    5. Extended OS Support With Flatcar, CentOS 8, and RHEL
  • Check out KubeOne 1.1 and its new features

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