I bet your Kubernetes and cloud strategy didn’t plan for GCP to go out of business? As co-founder of one of the leading Kubernetes Management product suites available today, I hear the transformative ideas enterprise IT leaders are driving through their organizations on a daily basis. And their concerns and challenges with today’s enterprise and cloud software landscape. I listen to their need to support multiple cloud providers based on regional data or latency requirements. I hear about price competitiveness and the desire to avoid vendor lock-in from one of the three major cloud providers AWS, Azure, and GCP.
But what I haven’t heard is: “Google could end of life of my IT on their GCP by within 3 years.” And yet, based on this latest revelation , I am already getting phone calls about this topic.
Fortunately for Kubermatic customers, Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform is designed from day one to move workloads across clouds with a click of a button. In addition, we support VMware, Openstack, Bare-Metal and many more.
With Thomas Kurian leading GCP, Google has wisely recognized that the issue is not so much in their technology, but in their go-to-market strategy. Kurian is placing large bets and executing efficiently to build out Google sales, sales engineering, and field facing engineering teams to support enterprise use cases. However, with over 44 product EOL’ed in the last 3 years (https://gcemetery.co/google-product-lifespan/), all enterprise cloud customers should be prepared for large changes as public cloud market evolves – and changes not just from Google Cloud.
As one of the top Kubernetes employers, we take the insights and concerns from our customers to deliver open source core based solutions that allow you to focus on application development and deployment while our enterprise software takes care of your day 2 operations and the constantly evolving vendor and technology landscape.
If you don’t want to worry about vendor lock-in or today’s top of mind question, “is time running out on your cloud provider,” let me show you how Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform can help you achieve your cloud native transformation goals.