Resource Library

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From Legacy to Cloud Native

Watch this webinar to explore the journey from legacy systems to cloud-native solutions. Learn how you can build a platform on your existing hardware in a cloud native way.

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Business Case

Kubernetes Return-on-Investment (ROI) Calculator

To start building a valid business case for Kubernetes, you need to know what your Return on Investment will be. Our Kubernetes ROI Calculator will help you assess the potential cost savings by migrating your workloads to Kubernetes.

Ebook icon


Minimize to Maximize in 5 Steps

In light of the current energy crisis and rise in costs, learn how your organization can minimize energy consumption in the data center to maximize cost savings and productivity.

Podcasts icon


Is Your Kubernetes Cluster a Pet?

We all know the cattle vs. pets analogy as it applies to servers, but have you ever considered that you may be doing the same thing with your Kubernetes clusters?

Videos icon


Cloud Native Security: A New Paradigm for a New World

Discover a new security paradigm in the cloud native world in this talk. It will introduce the concepts of zero-trust security, shift-left security, and continuous security, and explain how these concepts can be applied to cloud native environments!

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Will ARM be the new Mainstream in our Data Centers?

Watch this talk to get insights on the current state of the ecosystem, open source and cloud native landscape. Let’s find out if it is possible to create out of the results a real future business case for ARM based revolution in Data Centers.

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From Legacy to Cloud Native

Watch this webinar to explore the journey from legacy systems to cloud-native solutions. Learn how you can build a platform on your existing hardware in a cloud native way.

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Crossplane in the wild

Explore the opportunities that Crossplane offers in building an integrated Infrastructure as Code solution, centered around Kubernetes.

Partner Success Stories