Bootstrapping K8s with Ingress: Dealing with Day 1 & Day 2 Concerns


Watch the recording and learn more about Day 1 and Day 2 concerns

When we talk Day 2, we refer to the monitoring, maintenance and troubleshooting that keep apps, services and hosts up and running. During Day 2 phases, solutions have to adapt to accommodate changing customer requirements based on user and operations feedback. A watchful eye is the key. Automation and monitoring must be at the cornerstone of Day 2 ops if we want to fulfill our SLAs.

In this webinar, we take a close look at Day 2 operations and how we can improve the life cycle of a deployment via Kubernetes by using Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) and Ambassador Labs Edge Stack for monitoring and scalability.

Speaker: Daniel Bryant, Director of Dev Rel at Ambassador Labs and Damian Marquez, Senior Solutions Architect at Kubermatic

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