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Will ARM be the new Mainstream in our Data Centers?


Watch Tobias Schnek's talk at CloudNative Rejekts EU 2024

As I have been working with my new Apple Mac M1 for over a year, I was wondering why ARM is not used more in regular application workload scenarios? ARM for desktop computing is really stable, seamless, reliable and for me a game changer - when will we recognize the same for our servers? Especially in times when energy and raw materials are expensive, we should also benefit from the efficiency of ARM technology in our Data Centers. So what’s missing? We have Kubernetes on ARM, we have the main operating systems supporting ARM, we have a lot of application software and programming languages supporting ARM out of the box, why don’t we use this potential in large scale? Join the talk to get more insights on the current state of the ecosystem, open source and cloud native landscape. Let’s find out if it is possible to create out of the results a real future business case for ARM based revolution in our Data Centers.

Similar to ARM for the desktop, ARM for cloud native workload could be a game changer and make operation of our workload more efficient and cheaper. The big hyperscalers such as AWS, Google, Azure already have ARM based machines available in their data centers. We already see huge potential for ARM in edge devices in IOT use cases, but also at classical on-premise or edge data centers. Running future application stacks in a most efficient way will save energy. Lower energy usage, with fewer devices for hosting the same amount of machines, means also lower costs. That efficiency makes it attractive for everyone, including on-premise data centers. The talk will show what is already possible and where there are limitations in the CNCF ecosystem. A live demo will show differences during build- and run-time on a characteristic application stack for enterprise workload. The audience will see if the technology has a real chance to be the “next thing” at their datacenter by using cloud native technologies.

Speaker: Tobias Schneck, Principial Architect at Kubermatic

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