Why You Should Go Cloud Native in 2020
To kick off the decade, we make a prediction of where cloud native adoption will be by January 2023. We will also define where cloud native is currently on the adoption curve within large enterprises across all industries. We consider cloud native adoption to mean an enterprise running multiple …

Death by a Thousand Scripts
In my last five years of exposure to OpenSource Software, starting with OpenStack, I have noticed an increasing trend of relying on scripts to fill the gaps left by the software system. The gaps can be varied in their scope and size, such as
Installation LifeCycle Management - Upgrades, Downgrades …

Time Is Running For Google Cloud
I bet your Kubernetes and cloud strategy didn’t plan for GCP to go out of business? As co-founder of one of the leading Kubernetes Management product suites available today, I hear the transformative ideas enterprise IT leaders are driving through their organizations on a daily basis. And their …

KubeCon San Diego Recap: A great, but hell of a busy week
Once again a KubeCon did not disappoint. With over 12.000 attendees and almost 250 exhibitors, San Diego was another record breaking conference filled with Kubernetes excitement. But, let’s start from the beginning. We kicked off the week with our SIG-Bike tour through the city and the nearby hills. …

KubeCon: The First Cloud Native 5G Live Demo Ever
5G networks are poised to deliver low-latency, high-bandwidth, scalable networks to consumers and businesses worldwide. This next generation of networks is desperately needed to deliver the required high-speed connectivity to support new services and use cases like autonomous vehicles, smart cities, …

Introducing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.12
The world doesn’t stand still and neither do we. We are constantly working on improving and optimizing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, our enterprise-grade Kubernetes Management Platform for any infrastructure. Today, we are proud to announce the release of Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.12. Here …

Cloud Native Best Practices #5: Observability & Monitoring
To quote Michael Dell, “the cloud isn’t a place, it’s a way of doing IT.“ As IT becomes more and more central to what every company does, understanding cloud native best practices is key not only for the IT department – but for every part of a business. This post is the fifth of a seven-part series …

Proud to have Nikhita elected to the K8s Steering Committee
We are very proud to have our software developer Nikhita Raghunath elected to the Kubernetes Steering Committee. Nikhita is a core contributor to Kubernetes and the technical lead for SIG Contributor Experience. She is also a CNCF Ambassador and runs the GSoC and Outreachy internship programs for …

Monitoring Prow Resources with Prometheus and Grafana
At Kubermatic we’re making extensive use of Prow, Kubernetes’ own CI/CD framework, for our public and private projects. Prow is responsible for managing source code builds which are usually triggered by creating Pull Requests (PRs) on our GitHub repositories or sometimes periodically for nightly …

Cloud Native Best Practices #4: Automatic Backup & Disaster Recovery
To quote Michael Dell, “the cloud isn’t a place, it’s a way of doing IT.“ As IT becomes more and more central to what every company does, understanding cloud native best practices is key not only for the IT department – but for every part of a business. This post is the fourth of a seven-part series …

Running HA Kubernetes clusters on AWS using KubeOne
In a previous blog post, we talked about KubeOne and how it makes your highly available Kubernetes cluster easier to manage. In this post, I’ll show you step-by-step how to deploy and run a vanilla cluster with machine-controller and metrics-server on AWS. You may also adapt this process to …

Announcing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.11
The world doesn’t stand still and we don’t either. We are constantly working on improving and optimizing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, our enterprise-grade Kubernetes Management Platform for any infrastructure. After three months of development time, we are proud to announce availability of …